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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Advokat Cantik nan Seksi Bergaya bak Model

Gabi Jones (bukan nama sebenarnya) berat £ 502 seorang advocat untuk menanam kepercayaan diri bagi yang berlebihan berat badan, mencoba menjadi model untuk menginspirasi orang-orang yang memiliki harga diri yang rendah alias nggak pede dengan kegemukannya.
Gallery: Gabi Jones advocates fat acceptance as model, Gabi Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, using her modelling to inspire those who have low self-esteem.

 Gabi Jones drinks a soda during a break from being painted by airbrush artist David Brawner as a piece of “bodyart” in a garage studio in a Denver suburb April 13, 2010. Jones (not her real name) at 502 pounds is a fat acceptance advocate who says she wanted to be painted to push the envelope on what a big person can do and break the moulds of what is accepted in society. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters. 

Gabi Jones is painted by airbrush artist David Brawner as a piece of “bodyart” in a garage studio in a Denver suburb April 13, 2010. Jones (not her real name) at 502 pounds is a fat acceptance advocate who says she wanted to be painted to push the envelope on what a big person can do and break the moulds of what is accepted in society. Picture taken April 13, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

Gabi Jones talks with a lifeguard from the swimming pool at the Wheat Ridge recreation center in a suburb of Denver April 14, 2010. Jones (not her real name) at 502 pounds is an advocate of size acceptance and wants people to know that many large people are very active and as healthy as she is. She swims multiple times a week. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

Gabi Jones does jumping jacks with her friend Pam while they wait for friends to join them for dinner outside a restaurant in Denver April 21, 2010. Jones (not her real name) is a an advocate for fat acceptance and speaks to schools on the topic. Picture taken April 21, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters

Gabi Jones sits on a pier during a photo shoot for her website in a suburb of Denver April 12, 2010. Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, using her modelling to inspire those who have low self-esteem. Picture April 12, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters. 

Gabi Jones sits on a pier during a photo shoot for her website in a suburb of Denver April 12, 2010. Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, using her modelling to inspire those who have low self-esteem. Picture April 12, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters. 

Gabi Jones prepares for a photo shoot at a studio in a suburb of Denver April 12, 2010. Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, using her modelling to inspire those who have low self-esteem. Picture taken April 12, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

Gabi Jones prepares plate of lunch for herself and a friend at Sooper Salad in Denver April 16, 2010. Jones (not her real name) at 502 pounds wants to change society’s views on people of her size and their eating habits saying most large people are just born with their size and eat healthy foods in appropriate quantities but still stay fat. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

Gabi Jones (L) hugs Connie Rogers, president of Sassie Sisters Big and Beautiful, a full figured boutique after she tried on some clothes in a suburb of Denver April 14, 2010. Jones (not her real name) at 502 pounds wants to change society’s views on people of her size and wants the world to know its alright to be fat. Picture taken April 14, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

Gabi Jones talks with photographer Tom Wilson during a photo shoot for her website at Wilson’s studio in a suburb of Denver April 12, 2010. Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, saying that she models for society to realize someday that all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Picture taken April 12, 2010. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters

Gabi Jones jokes with a photographer during a photo shoot for her website in a suburb of Denver April 12, 2010. Jones (not her real name) weighs 502 pounds and is an advocate of fat acceptance, using her modelling to inspire those who have low self-esteem. Photograph by: Rick Wilking, Reuters.

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